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SENSOR HANDLE Instruction Manual Half-cell Combination HI 4014 HI 4114 Potassium Ion Selective Electrode
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Potassium HI 4014 Potassium half-cell Potassium HI 4114 Potassium combination electrode I. Introduction The Hanna HI 4014 and HI4114 are ion selective electrodes designed for the measurement of potassium ions in aqueous solutions. They utilize a replaceable sensing module that contains an organic polymer membrane that is sensitive to potassium. HI 4014 is a half-cell electrode that requires a separate reference. HI 4114 is a combination ion selective electrode. II. II Specifications Type: PVC membrane with organic ion exchanger Potassium (K+) 1M to 1X 10-6M 39100 to 0.039ppm Ion measured:...
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IV. Design elements of the HI 4014 and HI 4114 electrodes Sensor Handle O-Ring Sensing module V. Equipment Required: • HI 4014 requires the Hanna HI 5315 Double Junction reference electrode with HI 7076 as external electrolyte. • Hanna HI 4222 pH/ISE/mV meter or other suitable ion or pH/mV meter. (Note: log/linear graph paper is useful if an ISE (ion) meter is not available). • Hanna HI 180 magnetic stirrer or equivalent with magnetic stirring bars (Note: Isolate beakers from stirrer motor heat by placing insulating material such as foam or cork between them). • Hanna HI 76404 electrode...
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VII. VII General Guidelines • Ensure the o-ring is installed on modules before screwing into the sensor handle or inner stem. Due to shipping or storage the internal solution inside the sensing modules may have developed an air pocket near the membrane. Gently shaking the sensor down (like the old style mercury thermometers) will place the internal solution next to the membrane. Presoaking the potassium sensor in a 10-2 M standard for at least half-hour before calibration will help to optimize the sensor response. Calibration standards and sample solutions should have the same ionic...
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Deionized Water SENSOR HANDLE 3) Holding the assembled electrode at the cable end, shake the sensor to ensure internal fill solution that may have separated during shipping is in contact with inner membrane surface. 4) Prepare reference electrode by filling outer electrolyte reservoir with fill solution HI 7076. 5) Place sensor (and reference) electrodes into electrode holder and connect cable connectors to meter. 6) Soak the potassium membrane in a potassium containing standard for a hour before calibration. 4. Rinse inner stem with deionized water making certain to wet o-ring found on the...
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HI 4114 IUM POTASS TION NA COMBI 7. Holding the body of the electrode gently press the upper cap with your thumb. This permits the fill solution to drain out of the body. 8. Release the cap and verify electrode returns to its original position. (You may need to gently assist for this to occur). 9. Tighten the electrode cap onto the body and fill electrode body until fill solution volume is just below fill hole. 10. Position electrode in a Hanna HI 76404 electrode holder (or equivalent) and connect BNC connector to meter. IX. • • • Quick Check of Electrode Slope Connect electrode(s) to...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 6
XI Direct Calibration and Measurement XI. This method is a simple procedure for measuring many samples. A direct reading ISE meter (HI 4222 or equivalent) determines concentration of the unknown by a direct reading after calibrating the meter with the standards. HI 4014-00 ISE is added to both samples and standards to adjust the ionic strength of the solutions at a dose of 2 mL per 100 mL standard or sample. The meter is calibrated with freshly made standards that are in the measurement range of the unknowns. Unknowns are then read directly. In the non-linear region, more calibration...
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Techniques XII. Other Measurement Techniques Known addition An unknown concentration can be determined by adding a known amount (volume and concentration) of K+ standard to the sample. mV values are noted before and after the addition of standard (∆E). An ideal sensor slope can be used in the equation but actual determined slopes at the temperature of measurement should be used if known (S). This method is preprogrammed in the Hanna HI 4222 pH/ ISE/mV meter, which greatly simplifies the method . Example: Potassium ion determination with known addition. 1. A 50 mL sample of unknown (VSAMPLE)...
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WARRANTY Hanna Instruments Ion Selective Electrodes are warranted to be free of defects in material and workmanship for 6 months from date of purchase when used for their intended purpose and maintained according to instructions. If they fail to work when first used contact your dealer immediately. Damage due to accidents, misuse, misapplication, tampering or lack of prescribed maintenance is not covered. Hanna Instruments reserves the right to modify the design, construction or appearance of its products without advance notice.
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